Our company designs, manufactures and installs industrial high speed doors for overhead cranes, offering the same attentive technical support offered for other products.
When working with overhead travelling cranes, high-speed doors are extremely important, since they allow to easily and safely move goods from the inside to the outside and vice versa. Our doors ensure high speed and safety at the same time, while protecting people and goods from wind and weather.
Our industrial doors meet all the needs of this sector, providing safe and rapid solutions designed to ensure smooth and safe operations, without compromising on quality.
Our high-speed doors are, in fact, the technical evolution of large and heavy doors used to close large vertical openings. Moreover, thanks to their steel longitudinal stiffeners, our doors ensure resistance to the wind, extreme rapidity and safety, also thanks to a special roll-up system, designed both for regular doors and for overhead travelling cranes.
BMP industrial crane doors
- High speed fold up doors Pack Crane, high speed fabric overhead door designed for external use in large and versatile spaces